How Many Otocinclus In 20 Gallon Tank

If you've been thinking about adding otocinclus to your aquarium, you're probably wondering how many you can safely keep in a 20 gallon tank. As cute as these tiny fish are, overcrowding can cause stress and health issues. In this article, we'll dive into the topic of how many otocinclus in 20 gallon tank and provide helpful information for both beginner and seasoned aquarium hobbyists.

Pain Points

One of the biggest concerns when it comes to keeping fish is providing a suitable environment for them to thrive in. Overcrowding can lead to higher levels of ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites which can be toxic to fish. Additionally, a cramped living space can cause stress, aggression, and even disease among your fish.

Answering the Target

The general rule of thumb is to stock one otocinclus per two gallons of water. Therefore, a 20 gallon tank can safely house up to ten otocinclus. This assumes that there are no other fish in the tank. If you plan on keeping other fish, it's important to research their individual needs and compatibility before determining how many otocinclus you can add to the tank.


In summary, when considering how many otocinclus in 20 gallon tank, it's important to keep in mind the need for a suitable living space for your fish and avoid overcrowding. The general rule of one otocinclus for every two gallons of water is a good starting point for determining how many fish can safely be added to your tank. Remember to research the specific needs of any other fish that will be living in the tank and choose a suitable filtration system to keep the tank healthy and balanced.

The Importance of Water Quality

One of the most important things to consider when adding fish to your tank is water quality. Otocinclus are sensitive to changes in water chemistry, so it's important to maintain a stable environment for them to thrive in. Personally, I've had great success with keeping otocinclus in my 20 gallon tank by regularly monitoring my water levels and performing weekly water changes.

otocinclus in a planted aquarium

Choosing the Right Tankmates

While otocinclus are generally peaceful fish, it's still important to choose tankmates that are compatible with them. Some good options include other peaceful species like Corydoras or small tetras. Avoid pairing them with aggressive or territorial fish that may harm or stress out the otocinclus.

otocinclus fish

The Importance of Hiding Places

Another important factor in keeping otocinclus healthy and happy is providing plenty of hiding spaces for them. These fish are naturally shy and like to have a place to retreat to when they feel stressed or threatened. Adding plants, driftwood, or rock formations to your tank can provide the perfect hiding place for your otocinclus.

otocinclus hiding in rocks

Question and Answer

Q: Can I keep otocinclus with bettas?

A: While it's not impossible to keep otocinclus with bettas, it's not recommended. Bettas can be aggressive and territorial, and may attack or stress out the otocinclus. It's best to avoid pairing these two species together.

Q: Do otocinclus need a special diet?

A: Otocinclus are primarily herbivores and require a diet high in algae. You can supplement their diet with sinking algae wafers or fresh vegetables like zucchini or spinach.

Q: Can otocinclus live in a community tank?

A: Yes, otocinclus can be added to a community tank as long as their tankmates are peaceful and not aggressive or territorial. Make sure to research the specific needs and behaviors of any other fish that will be living in the tank.

Q: How often should I clean my 20 gallon tank with otocinclus?

A: It's recommended to perform weekly water changes of 10-20% to maintain good water quality and keep your fish healthy. You should also regularly clean the filter and substrate to remove any excess waste or debris.


When it comes to how many otocinclus in 20 gallon tank, it's important to provide a suitable living space for your fish and avoid overcrowding. One otocinclus per two gallons of water is a good starting point for determining how many fish can safely be added to your tank. Remember to maintain stable water conditions, choose compatible tankmates, provide hiding spaces, and perform regular maintenance to keep your otocinclus healthy and happy.


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