How Many Mollies Should Be Kept Together

If you are a beginner aquarist, you may be wondering how many mollies should be kept together. It's a common question that deserves a detailed answer, as keeping the right number of mollies is essential for their health and well-being.

The Pain Points of Keeping Mollies Together

Many beginner aquarists make the mistake of keeping too many or too few mollies in their tank. This can result in a variety of problems, such as stress, aggression, and overcrowding. Additionally, keeping the wrong number of mollies can lead to health issues and reduced lifespan.

How Many Mollies Should Be Kept Together?

The general rule of thumb for keeping mollies is to have at least one gallon of water per inch of fish. However, it's best to keep a maximum of four mollies per ten gallons of water to prevent overcrowding, aggression, and other issues. By following this guideline, you can provide your mollies with enough space to swim, eat, and rest, promoting their overall health and happiness.

Summary of Main Points

From the above discussion, we can conclude that four mollies per ten gallons of water is the ideal number for keeping them together. It's best to avoid overstocking your tank, as it can lead to health issues and reduced lifespan. Instead, focus on providing your mollies with enough space to swim, eat, and rest, so they can thrive in their aquarium.

Personal Experience with Keeping Mollies Together

I have been keeping mollies together in my aquarium for several years now, and I've found that four mollies per ten gallons of water is the perfect number. By keeping this balance, I've been able to maintain a healthy and happy community of mollies without any issues. They are active, playful, and show no signs of stress or aggression, even during feeding time. Seeing them thrive in their environment is truly rewarding and fulfilling.

How to Maintain the Ideal Environment for Mollies

To provide your mollies with the perfect environment, you need to focus on several key factors, including water quality, temperature, filtration, and feeding. Mollies prefer a temperature range of 75 to 80°F and require clean, well-filtered water to stay healthy. Additionally, it's best to feed them a varied diet that includes both plant and protein-based foods.

Important Things to Keep in Mind

When keeping mollies together, there are several important things to keep in mind, such as:

  • Make sure you have enough space in your tank for your mollies to swim and explore.
  • Keep the water clean and well-maintained to prevent health issues and diseases.
  • Feed your mollies a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs.
  • Observe your mollies' behavior regularly to detect any signs of stress, aggression, or illness.

Question and Answer

Here are a few common questions and answers related to how many mollies should be kept together:

Q1: Can I keep more than four mollies in my ten-gallon tank?

A1: No, it's best to avoid overstocking your tank, as it can lead to aggression, overcrowding, and other issues. Additionally, keeping too many mollies in a small space can lead to reduced lifespan and overall health.

Q2: What happens if I keep too few mollies in my tank?

A2: Keeping too few mollies in your tank can lead to stress, loneliness, and aggression. Mollies are social fish that thrive in groups, so it's essential to keep them together in appropriate numbers.

Q3: How often should I clean my aquarium when keeping mollies?

A3: It's best to clean your aquarium once a week by replacing a portion of the water and cleaning any debris or waste from the substrate. Additionally, you should perform monthly water tests to monitor the levels of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate in your tank.

Q4: Can I keep male and female mollies together?

A4: Yes, you can keep male and female mollies together in your tank. However, it's best to maintain a ratio of one male to two or three females to prevent aggression and stress.


Keeping the right number of mollies together is essential for their health and well-being. By following the above guidelines, you can maintain a happy and healthy community of mollies in your aquarium. Remember to provide them with enough space, clean water, appropriate temperature, and a balanced diet so they can thrive in their environment.


How Many Mollies Should Be Kept Together? - DIY Seattle

How many mollies should be kept together? - DIY Seattle
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How Many Kuhli Loaches Should Be Kept Together? - My Pets Daily

How many kuhli loaches should be kept together? - My Pets Daily
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How Many Mollies Should Be Kept Together? - Aquarium Sphere

How Many Mollies Should Be Kept Together? - Aquarium Sphere
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How Many Mollies Should Be Kept Together? - Aquarium Sphere

How Many Mollies Should Be Kept Together? - Aquarium Sphere
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How Many Mollies Should Be Kept Together? 5 Cool Tips - 2022

How Many Mollies Should Be Kept Together? 5 Cool Tips - 2022
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