Guppy Feeder Fish

Are you in search of an easy-to-maintain and colorful addition to your aquarium? Look no further than the guppy feeder fish. These small, active fish are perfect for beginners and experienced aquarists alike.

Pain Points

Are you tired of constantly cleaning your aquarium? Do you struggle to keep your fish healthy? Guppy feeder fish may be the solution to these common issues. With their low maintenance needs and hardy nature, they are a great choice for any aquarium.

Target of Guppy Feeder Fish

Guppy feeder fish, also known as feeder guppies, are often used as a food source for larger fish. However, they are also a popular choice for home aquariums due to their bright colors and active nature. These fish are typically small, growing up to two inches in length, and are known to breed easily.

Main Points

If you're considering guppy feeder fish for your aquarium, there are a few key things to keep in mind:

  • Guppy feeder fish are low-maintenance and hardy, making them an ideal choice for beginners.
  • They are known for their bright colors and active behavior, adding visual interest to any tank.
  • Feeding requirements are minimal, as they can subsist on a diet of flakes or pellets.
  • Breeding can be easy and lead to a surplus of fish, so it's important to monitor the population to prevent overcrowding.

Personal Experience

When I first started my aquarium, I was intimidated by the idea of caring for fish. But after reading more about guppy feeder fish, I decided to give them a try. Not only were they easy to care for, but their vibrant colors and playful behavior brought life to my tank. I especially enjoyed watching the babies grow and develop, adding a new dimension to my aquarium hobby.

Feeder guppies

Breeding Guppy Feeder Fish

As mentioned, breeding guppy feeder fish is easy and can quickly lead to a population explosion. If you're interested in breeding these fish, it's important to create a suitable breeding environment and monitor the fry to prevent overcrowding. You may also consider separating males from females to control breeding. With a little care and attention, your guppy feeder fish can provide an ongoing source of entertainment and fascination in your tank.

Feeder guppies in a tank

Caring for Guppy Feeder Fish

When it comes to caring for guppy feeder fish, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Firstly, their tank should be kept at a consistent temperature between 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit. They do well in both fresh and brackish water, but require pH levels between 6.8-7.8. Feeding requirements are minimal, as they can subsist on a diet of flakes or pellets. Regular water changes and tank cleaning will keep them healthy and happy.

Feeder guppies swimming


Q: Can guppy feeder fish be kept with other species?

A: Yes! Guppy feeder fish are peaceful and can be kept with a variety of other species, including tetras and rasboras.

Q: What should I feed my guppy feeder fish?

A: Guppy feeder fish can be fed a diet of flakes or pellets. They may also enjoy occasional treats like brine shrimp or bloodworms.

Q: Are guppy feeder fish prone to diseases?

A: Like any fish, guppy feeder fish can be prone to illnesses if their environment is not kept clean and healthy. Regular water changes and tank cleaning will help prevent diseases.

Q: Can guppy feeder fish be kept in a small tank?

A: While guppy feeder fish are small, they should still be housed in a tank that is at least 10 gallons in size to ensure their health and wellbeing.


Guppy feeder fish are a colorful and easy-to-care-for addition to any aquarium. They bring life and entertainment to your tank with minimal effort and are suitable for beginners and experienced aquarists alike. Whether you're looking for an ongoing source of fascination or a food source for larger fish, guppy feeder fish are a great choice.


Guppy Feeder Fish 2.5cm

Guppy Feeder Fish 2.5cm
Photo Credit by: / feeder guppy 5cm

WANTED: Baby Feeder Guppies Saanich, Victoria

WANTED: baby feeder guppies Saanich, Victoria
Photo Credit by: / guppies guppy grain

Feeder Guppies | AquA AnimaniA

Feeder Guppies | AquA AnimaniA
Photo Credit by: / guppies fish feeder guppy babies live trinidadian foods even they poecilia reticulata make die after et pet zandona fig molly

Guppy + Feeder Guppy | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Guppy + Feeder Guppy | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Photo Credit by: / feeder guppy tank mates betta flickr fish siamese fighting guppies

Feeder Guppies - IN STORE PICKUP OR CURBSIDE ONLY – Preuss Pets

Feeder Guppies - IN STORE PICKUP OR CURBSIDE ONLY – Preuss Pets
Photo Credit by: / guppies curbside feeders

