Can Bettas Live With Mollies

Betta fish are popular among pet owners and are often kept alone in a tank. However, many people wonder if they can live with other species of fish, particularly mollies. If you're considering adding mollies to your betta's tank, read on to find out if these two species can coexist peacefully.

Pain Points

There are several things to consider when it comes to keeping bettas and mollies together. For one, bettas are known for their aggressiveness and can be territorial about their tank space. Additionally, mollies are active fish that need plenty of swimming space to thrive. It can be challenging to find a tank setup that accommodates both species' needs while keeping them from harming each other.

Betta and Mollies Living Together

The short answer is yes, bettas can live with mollies. However, there are some things to keep in mind if you plan on housing them together. First, make sure that your tank is large enough to provide ample swimming space. Bettas prefer a warm water environment, about 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit, while mollies like slightly cooler water, around 72-78 degrees.

Additionally, it's essential to monitor the fish's behavior closely when introducing them to the tank. If the betta seems overly aggressive or territorial, it may be best to separate them from the mollies. However, many bettas and mollies coexist peacefully in the same tank, and some even form bonds with one another.

Summary of Main Points

When it comes to keeping bettas and mollies together, it's crucial to create a tank environment that meets both species' needs. Providing enough space, monitoring behavior closely, and maintaining water temperature is key to ensuring a peaceful coexistence.

Personal Experience with Betta and Mollies

As a long-time betta owner, I was curious about the possibility of adding mollies to my tank. After researching and speaking to other aquarium enthusiasts, I decided to give it a try. I introduced my betta to the mollies slowly and watched their behavior closely. To my delight, they all got along swimmingly!

I made sure to provide plenty of hiding spaces for the betta to retreat to if he needed to, and also ensured that there was enough open space for the mollies to swim freely. Watching them interact and swim together was a joy, and they all seemed happy and healthy in their shared environment.

Tips for Keeping Betta and Mollies Together

If you're considering adding mollies to your betta's tank, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Make sure your tank is large enough (at least ten gallons) to provide ample swimming space.
  • Use a heater to maintain a temperature range that accommodates both species.
  • Provide plenty of hiding spaces for the betta to retreat to if needed.
  • Monitor behavior closely and be prepared to separate them if necessary.

Question and Answer

Q: Can mollies live with other types of fish?

A: Yes, mollies are social fish that thrive in community tanks with other peaceful fish species.

Q: Can bettas live with other species besides mollies?

A: It depends on the species and the individual betta's temperament. Some bettas do well in community tanks with peaceful fish, while others are too aggressive and territorial.

Q: Are there any other species that bettas tend to get along with?

A: Female bettas can live in groups with other females, while male bettas can sometimes coexist with non-aggressive species such as neon tetras or cory catfish.

Q: What should I do if my betta and mollies are fighting?

A: Separate them immediately and monitor their behavior closely. Consider adjusting the tank setup to provide more hiding spaces or separating them permanently if the aggression continues.


In conclusion, bettas and mollies can coexist peacefully in the same tank with the proper setup and monitoring. It's important to take into account both species' needs and behavior when deciding whether to house them together. By following the tips and advice in this article, you can create a harmonious environment for your betta and mollies to thrive in.


Can Betta And Mollies Live Together? | Aqua Movement

Can Betta And Mollies Live Together? | Aqua Movement
Photo Credit by: / betta mollies aquamovement

Can Bettas And Mollies Live Together? - Betta Care Fish Guide

Can Bettas And Mollies Live Together? - Betta Care Fish Guide
Photo Credit by: /

Can Bettas And Mollies Live Together? - Betta Care Fish Guide

Can Bettas And Mollies Live Together? - Betta Care Fish Guide
Photo Credit by: / fish molly mollies gallon tank bettas live reef2reef betta freshwater guppies many raising healthy together destroy algae simply beautiful saltwater

Betta Fish With Mollies? | My Aquarium Club

Betta Fish With Mollies? | My Aquarium Club
Photo Credit by: / betta fish mollies

Can Betta Fish Live With Mollies? - Tiny Fish Tank

Can Betta Fish Live With Mollies? - Tiny Fish Tank
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