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Is Duckweed Good For Bettas

Are you a betta fish enthusiast looking to enhance the health of your finned fr…

Blue Swordtail Guppy

Blue swordtail guppy is a beautiful and rare species of fish that has caught …

See Through Guppies

Are you tired of the same old guppies in your aquarium? Have you ever considere…

Dumbo Guppy Fish

Aquarium enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new and exciting fish to add…

Baby Fish Have Appeared In My Tank

Have you ever woken up to find baby fish swimming in your tank? It can be a sur…

Best Plants For Guppies

Guppies are one of the most popular fish breeds to keep in an aquarium, and for…

Bala Shark Tank Mates

The Bala Shark is a popular fish for many aquarists because of its active swimm…

